Gregory Robinson
Name: Gregory A.. Robinson
Address: 6040 North Seventh Street, Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85014
Telephone: (602) 265-6666, FAX (602) 264-5116
- Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree with high distinction from Arizona State
University in 1969 - Graduated with a Juris Doctorate from Arizona State University in 1972, member of Law Review
- Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree with high distinction from Arizona State
- Graduate School – Taught tax courses at Golden Gate University for two years
- American Bar Association, Tax Section, and Real Property Probate and Trust Section
- State Bar of Arizona, Certified Tax Specialist
- Chairman of the Tax Section State Bar 1988-1989, currently on Tax Commission
- Section Member of Business Section
- Section Member of Probate and Trust Section, Maricopa County Bar
- President, Young Lawyers 1979-1980 (Maricopa County)
- Former board member of Estate Probate and Trust Section of the Maricopa County Bar Assoc.
- Phoenix Tax Workshop board member, 1980 to present
- Central Arizona Estate Planning Council Study Group #3, 1980 to present
- University Club Tax Study Group
- Frequent speaker of tax and estate planning subjects to Phoenix Tax Workshop, Arizona Society Certified
Practicing Accountants, AAATP, and AFIT - Member of Toastmasters International for 39 years
- Arizona Forum for the Improvement of Taxation (AFIT) board member, 1989 to present
(President for 15 years), and current president - Attorney for Arizona Highway Patrol Association for 38 years
- Recipient of the 2014 Henry Tom Outstanding Tax Attorney Award, State Bar of Arizona Tax Law
Court interpreter – Spanish Language for five years
Attorney from 1979 to present in the private practice of law in Phoenix, Arizona, specializing in corporate, tax
and estate planning matters in the firm of Farley, Robinson & Larsen. This consists of trial work and administrative
hearings and includes representation of professionals before their boards (attorneys, CPAs, MDs, DOs, Dentists, Behavioral
Health Specialists and Chiropractors).
Senior Trial Attorney from 1972 to January 12, 1979 for the Internal Revenue Service, District Court in
Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, California and Phoenix, Arizona Lead attorney in the case of Citrus Valley v. Commissioner (a case including defined benefit pension plans that taxpayers won in Tax Court and affirmed by the 9 th Circuit).
Other Tax Court wins include (1) Storey vs. Commissioner involving a documentary film. The IRS questioned the profit motive; and (2) HW Johnson Inc. vs. Commissioner involving reasonable compensation of the officers.